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Our Commitment to Accessibility


We are committed to providing an exceptional experience for all our users. Our Accessibility Team is committed to maintaining our digital products and services so they are accessible to the widest audience, regardless of ability.

Ongoing Effort

Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing. We are actively working to increase the usability of our products and services. We value your input and partner with relevant organizations, conducting research to ensure we maintain as rich an experience for everyone.

Further Information

If you have a question, comment or problem, please contact our website managers to assist:

ADA Accessibility Disclaimer

As recently as January 2021, the World Health Organization estimated that there are more than one billion people living with disabilities, with over 100 million persons having significant difficulties in functioning (for more information, see

Many of these disabilities can affect access to information technologies. Additionally, the same individuals who run into barriers that impede access to information technologies could benefit most from using them.

Given the importance of the internet, accessibility to the web is of critical importance to people with disabilities around the world, including people with auditory, cognitive, physical, neurological, and visual disabilities. It is likewise important to those with accessibility needs due to aging.

2Guys Business Ventures, Inc. DBA, The Storage Group (“TSG”) is frequently asked whether websites we develop are “ADA Compliant” (meaning, compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act). There is not an easy answer, as every customer’s application and use is different. So while we cannot state generally “yes,” we want to assure all of our customers that we take the ADA very seriously and are striving towards the day that we can say, uniformly, “yes.”

At this time, there is guidance regarding website access for those with disabilities but are no rules in place which carry the force of law that explain how websites must comply with the ADA. (Note that Federal agencies, however, do have to make sure that all their website content is accessible to people with disabilities. So anyone receiving federal money, either through grants or contract work, should comply with the guidelines applicable to Federal agencies. If this is you, then please let us know and we will gladly work with you to ensure compliance.)

Providing accessible websites can also benefit people who do not have disabilities but who are experiencing situational barriers. For example, when accessing the internet from devices with small screens or in low bandwidth situations, or when experiencing barriers due to language or literacy levels, accessibility solutions can also support improved access.

TSG is committed to ensuring equal access for people with disabilities. As potential customers and employees of TSG, they are important contributors to the TSG ‘s business success and should not be excluded, but rather welcomed into the TSG family.

TSG will endeavor to maximize the access of people with disabilities to its website and websites developed by the Company. TSG’s intent is that websites produced by it are ADA compliant. However, TSG makes no warranties or guarantees regarding ADA compliance.

TSG’s goal is to provide accessibility to people with certain disabilities. However, one size does not fit all, especially in web development. While the parent website template is certified, any small change or deviation from that model that we make to meet the client’s expectations and goals from the website may require changes or modifications that may result in the end product not meeting desired standards. For that reason, we cannot guarantee every site based on that parent theme meets those same standards.

To that end, we ask you to let us know if there are any specific issues or requirements you may need us to look into or ensure that your website meets. Specifically, if you serve or receive money from the federal government, you may have additional responsibilities imposed upon you that raise the level of your individual ADA compliance expectations. Because the ADA is so extensive and wide sweeping, it is impossible for us to be able to economically address everything for all customers. We are however delighted and willing to work with customers on an individual basis to meet your specific needs and can even certify website compliance to particular desired standards for an additional charge. Thank you for appreciating in advance that this may ultimately increase our development costs to you.

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Merritt Island
500 Cone Road
Merritt Island, FL 32952
Palm Bay
3332 Bayside Lakes Blvd SE
Palm Bay, FL 32909
500 N Cocoa Blvd
Cocoa, FL 32922
3225 Bayside Lakes Blvd SE
Palm Bay, FL 32909